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Business ID: 3165314-3

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Korkeakoulunkatu 10, Tampere, 33720, Finland

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In case you experience or witness any type of harrasment at Urbanum events:

Our events are entirely harassment-free. Urbanum does not tolerate harassment of event participants and community members in any form, and our harassment policy is in line with TREY’s Equality Plan. Event participants and community members violating these rules may be sanctioned or removed from the event/community at the organizers’ discretion. With any questions, feel free to contact our events team:

If you encounter harassment at our events, please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the following:

Urbanum’s Equality Officer:

Rowan van der Kaaden

telegram: @rowan8k

TREY Harassment Contact Persons:


TREY Website Regarding Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying